
PanamaOnEl explorador francés Jacques-Yves Cousteau llevó a su nieta Alexandra a comprar vestidos y tomar chocolate en París, como cualquier abuelo. Pero también la inspiró con sus expediciones oceánicas y sus películas. La activista lucha ahora junto a OCEANA para que los mares, saturados de...

As a senior advisor to Oceana, a National Geographic Explorer, and co-founder of the Berlin-based Good Impact Foundation, filmmaker and environmentalist Alexandra Cousteau continues the legacy of her famed grandfather and father, Jacques and Philippe Cousteau. Even while facing the natural world’s precarious future, she... A scientific expedition is set to unveil to Web surfers the secrets of unexplored parts of the Pacific seabed along the pristine coast of British Columbia, the Canadian government announced on Tuesday. Underwater footage of reefs with plenty of rockfish, corals, sponges and basket stars will...

La petite-fille du légendaire explorateur français Jacques Yves Cousteau suit les traces de son grand-père dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent dans le but de protéger le fleuve.En octobre, Ottawa a interdit la pêche utilisant des engins de fond dans deux secteurs totalisants près de 3000...

Alexandra Cousteau said she never had to make a decision to follow in her famous grandfather’s foot steps.“It never really was a question,” she said. “It is kind of what we always did.”Cousteau was the featured speaker at the Legacy Parks Foundation’s 11th annual Legacy...